"If we're ever going to make progress on issues as complex as the nuclear crisis between two countries, that have no relations, that are technically still at War, then we really need to start from the very basics." Catherine Killough Advocacy & Leadership Coordinator (formerly) Women Cross DMZ "People to People engagement provides an opportunity for people to see each other as real human beings not as the political ideology, not as the caricature that's been built in the public but really connect to each other on a human level."
Jenny Town Director, 38 North Program / Stimson Center “The playbook for getting out of these situations is by and large the same. It starts with small things like People to People exchanges, typically in the field of science, humanitarian operations, and perhaps opening a liaison office or even a full-grown diplomatic embassy at some point."
Daniel Jasper Public Education & Advocacy Coordinator (formerly) American Friends Services Committee |
A Peace of Science
Diplomacy with North Korea (Documentary) A film by Linda Staheli, Global Co Lab Network (Click on images for videos) The Korean War POW/MIA recovery mission is not isolated in its pursuits. Many complementary missions work with a mutual goal in mind - engagement with North Korea. Achieving peace on the Korean peninsula is a unifying goal that will allow this access. Engagements between the North Korean and American people are pathways to this peace. Discussions on remains return is one of these pathways. Scientific engagements are pathways as well. The documentary film A Peace of Science demonstrates how the success of a scientific exchange between the U.S. and the DPRK brought scientists of the two nations together in the pursuit of a common goal. The film also demonstrates how the benefits of these exchanges can lead to positive interaction involving broader issues. A Peace of Science (Introductory Trailer) “Peace, like War, takes a lot of effort. It takes strategy, it takes investment, it takes persistence. It's amazing to me that somehow we would think that the risks of war are less frightening than the risks of peace. "
Linda Lewis Country Representative (formerly) American Friends Services Committee “Sometimes scientific relationships have been utilized as a way to build relations with countries that the US hasn't had solid diplomatic relations."
Linda Staheli Founding Director, Global Co Lab Network |
“Addressing real human needs in North Korea in a pragmatic and respectful way, we believe opens the door for other kinds of exchanges at higher policy levels." Linda Lewis Country Representative (formerly) American Friends Services Committee “The problem with contemporary approaches to North Korea has been that they are fully centered on isolation and pressure."
Daniel Jasper Public Education & Advocacy Coordinator (formerly) American Friends Services Committee “The shear violence and devastation of the Korean War, which happened seven decades ago, continues to separate millions of families. It resulted in four million casualties, completely leveled North Korea at the time, and I think that history is painfully minimized here in its nickname The Forgotten War."
Catherine Killough Advocacy & Leadership Coordinator (formerly) Women Cross DMZ “There's a tremendous amount that we have in common in terms of our humanity and our goals for ourselves personally and our families and our institutions and our world. "
Linda Staheli Founding Director, Global Co Lab Network |