Spring 2019 Newsletter
May 2019 [Download] * Cover - “Issues & What To Do About Them” An annual review of the complex issues facing the Korean War accounting mission and what needs to be done to move them forward! * President’s Corner – “Sounds of Silence” Rick’s thoughts on the perplexing Hanoi Summit. * United States/North Korea – South Korea / Coalition The latest news and events. * John Zimmerlee - “Guide to Getting Answers on the Korean War Missing” John shares what we should be doing to learn more about our missing loved-one. * Donna Knox - “21 Years & Counting” Donna looks back at the Coalition’s beginnings, and its most important accomplishments through the years. * Dorothy Antonelli - "Honoring Those Who Served" Dorothy’s moving speech to veterans at Veterans Memorial Park, Ocala, FL - April 6, 2019. * Dear Chairman Kim The Coalition’s letter actually delivered to North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong Un prior to February’s U.S./DPRK summit in Hanoi. Fall 2018 Newsletter November 2018 [Download] * Cover - Punch Bowl Exhumations - they are all coming up! * President’s Corner - Honorable Returns Ceremony, Traveling with the Vice President * United States/ North Korea-South Korea/Russia News * Our Collective Voice - Coalition News * John Zimmerlee – “Imagine”, a personal perspective of a soldier’s pathway to becoming unknown * Donna Knox - In-depth look at the Bring Our Heroes Home Act * Beth Moore - Another family finds closure * Richard L. Downes - Charlie Brown finally makes a kick! Spring 2018 Newsletter March 2018 [Download] Enjoy the news and feature articles inside this edition: * Cover Article - The Right to Human Rights * President’s Corner What if …. ? * United States- News * Coalition News * DC Meetings - 2017 * Research - John Zimmerlee Missing Airmen Who Obviously Match Unidentified Remains * Feature Article - Donna Knox What Too Many People Don’t Know About The Korean War Summer 2017 Newsletter July 2017 [Download] * Cover Article - A Tale of Two Policies (Engagement vs Nonengagement with North Korea * President’s Corner - The Long and Short of It (DPPA director search vs broader pursuits) * United States (POW/MIA News) - The White House, Dept. of Defense, DPAA * Congress - Senate / House POW/MIA Legislation * Coalition News - Our Collective Voice * DC Meetings 2017 - February and June Trips to Capitol Hill and Beyond * Research / John Zimmerlee - X-Files - Identifiable Remains Await Someone Who Cares * Membership Form /Contact Info - Join Us! * Petition - We call upon the governments of …. (Signatures needed!!) Fall 2016 Newsletter December 2016 [Download] The Coalition's fall newsletter, Update & Review, can be read at the link above. Featured is reporting on the meeting with North Korea's vice foreign minister - in Pyongyang. Keep an eye out for these other news and issues: * The Coalition Negotiating with North Korea - U.S. remains recovery/air loss sites * The Bring Our Heroes Home Act/ Declassification legislation - Donna Knox * USRJC 20th Plenum/meeting - The search for MIAs taken to the former Soviet Union * Research (John Zimmerlee) and the Cold War (Paul Fees) * The White House, Congress, Defense Department (DPAA Acting Director message) * The Coalition’s Year-In-Review! Summer 2016 Newsletter July 2016 [Download] The Coalition's summer newsletter, Update & Review, can be read at the link above. As you read through the newsletter, keep an eye out for news on these particular issues: * The Bring Our Heroes Home Act – 2016 (Senate declassification legislation) * Trickle Identifications (New Next Generation DNA Sequencing and the Punch Bowl Unknowns) * House Resolution 799 and Congress’ North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act/Amendment (Calling on renewed recovery operations in North Korea and protecting them from U.S. sanctions) * DPAA Director Mike Linnington’s resignation and replacement * Research –John Zimmerlee * The Coalition’s new website Fall 2015 Newsletter November 2015 [Download] The Coalition's fall newsletter, Update & Review, can be read at the link above. Articles include:
* President’s Corner - Honorable Returns Ceremony, Traveling with the Vice President * United States/ North Korea-South Korea/Russia News * Our Collective Voice - Coalition News * John Zimmerlee – “Imagine”, a personal perspective of a soldier’s pathway to becoming unknown * Donna Knox - In-depth look at the Bring Our Heroes Home Act * Beth Moore - Another family finds closure * Richard L. Downes - Charlie Brown finally makes a kick!
Winter Newsletter: February 2015
[Download] The Coalition’s winter newsletter can be found at the link above. The content is far reaching, like the mission itself!
Thank you for your interest and ongoing support in the effort to account for the thousands of American servicemen still missing from the Korean and Cold Wars. Summer Newsletter: July 2014
[Download] The Coalition's summer 2014 newsletter is at the link below. Inside, there are articles, news and insights on:
Thank you for your interest and ongoing support in the effort to account for the thousands of American soldiers still missing from the Korean and Cold Wars. (Note: there may be a slight delay before the newsletter opens.) Winter Newsletter: January 2014
[Download] Inside, you will find articles, news and insights on:
December 2013
Each year, Clara Gantt attended the government's annual Korean/Cold War family briefings in DC in support of her husband, Joseph, MIA 1950. She was a familiar figure, making her way, however slowly, always dutiful, to each session, a stalwart of the mission, a true inspiration. She has now brought her husband home. (L.A. Times Story) December 2013 June, 2000 (Synopsis) Action Request from American Embassy, Seoul to Sec of State, DC. Fax received from ROK human rights group. Chinese police officer approached by North Korean citizen, requesting asylum in exchange for delivering 11 sets of U.S. remains and 3 POWs (2 ROK, 1 American) still alive and detained in the DPRK. One set of remains was sent, including the dog tags of an American soldier. Requests: 1) Was the name on the dog tag listed among the missing from the Korean War, 2) Was the dog tag of Korean War era, 3) provide questions to determine validity/authenticity of the report. (Full Document) |